
New Gender Working Group

RISC-RISE is more than happy to announce the new working group on gender. The group aims to foster gender equality, from perspective interseccional, and promote inclusive growth across regions recognition of diversity. The primary objective is to integrate gender perspectives into regional policies and initiatives, ensuring that women and marginalised genders actively participate in social, economic, and political spheres. More details can be found here.



Doctoral and Post-doctoral School now Knowledge Lab

The 2023 Knowledge Lab for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers was themed Human Rights and Sustainability. To keep the spirit of inclusive participation, the knowledge lab took place virtually for two weeks. Special feature this year was an infographics workshop to practice sharing crucial information in a fun and informing way. Thank you all for participating!



Doctoral and Post-doctoral School

Our annual doctoral and post-doctoral schoon on Comparative Sustainable Regional Integration took place virtually again. Through this virtual forum, we were able to bring together students and experts from all around the world, such as Australia, Colombia, Luxembourg, Mexico, South Africa and Vietnam.

A big thank you goes out to all speakers who shared their valuable knowledge during two weeks and to all students for their active participation in the school.


Best Article Prize

Congratulations to Sandy Medina-Valdivia and her colleagues for winning the Regions & Cohesion best article prize 2022!

The winning article can be found here!



RISC-RISE Best Article Prize

1st place: Sandra Häbel, Normative policy coherence for development and policy networks: EU networks in Vietnam

2nd Place: Sébastien  Dubé, A supposed fifth wave of Latin American regionalism and human needs


2021 Rovert V.H. Dover Prize

2021 Robert VH Dover Prize awared to Harlan Koff et al. for their article on ‘Promoting participative policy coherence for sustainable development: Inclusive dialogue through “push-pull-match”