JUNT@S is the youth section of the RISC-RISE CONSORTIUM. It stands for Jovenes Unid@s/Together in Solidarity and we have worked together since the end of 2019. By November 2020 JUNTOS had formally come to life, and since then we have had multiple brilliant ideas, some of which we have even been able to bring to life. JUNT@S is all about creating a space for young people to share their visions of the world and have an opportunity to do their part in changing it. JUNT@S is about creating a worldwide dialogue, a space to learn and grow and become inspired. Together, our dream is to leave our mark on the world…JUNT@S.

Normal Lives, Inspirational Stories: WOMEN OF TODAY

Women are still under-appreciated despite their crucial roles in society. To highlight the strengths and capabilities of women, we propose to launch this initiative showcasing the “ordinary” women, i.e., women in our daily lives, and their unique characters. These women can be great inspiration for our youth that hit closer to home than well-known celebrities.

The purpose of this initiative is to provide a platform for women who have not yet had the opportunity to share their story with a bigger audience. It is about showing the role of women in society who arguably lead a “normal” life but actually play a crucial role in their community or have experienced “extraordinary” life events. For example, women who support others in achieving their dreams, women who work with victims of war or marginalized groups, women from indigenous societies, these women deserve a platform to share their stories. At the same time, these women can serve as inspiration for youth around the world by showing them that anything is possible and challenges in life can be overcome successfully.

With this initiative, we aim to give those women a platform to share their stories and inspire young people to follow their dreams.

Bandana Rana (Interview 5)

“I met Bandana Rana and found her to be so inspirational and was immediately blown away by her. She is a force to be reckoned with and I loved to be able to talk to her. It was an honor to meet her.” – Zenyram Koff Maganda

Karmen Ramírez Boscán (Interview 4.1 & 4.2)

“La trayectoria de vida de Karmen expone la fuerza poderosa del compromiso con la justicia y la igualdad. A ella la movilizan estas aspiraciones en tanto defensora de los derechos de los territorios autóctonos y de sus poblaciones originarias, así como de los derechos del ambiente. Como mujer indígena migrante en el exterior ha sufrido de discriminaciones y exclusiones contra las cuales lucha con humor y en colectivo. Ella es fuente de admiración e inspiración.” – Claudia Puerta Silva

Dung Mai (Interview 3)

“Dung has inspired me with her compassion for the most vulnerable, her generous heart and her modesty. She’s a fighter and keeps a smile on her face even during tough times.” – Sandra Häbel

Elaine Mokhtefi (Interview 2)

“Elaine is someone that I admire very much and am proud to call my family. Growing up Elaine has taught me what it means to be a strong and respected woman. The life she has lived is an inspiration to us all.” – Zenyram Koff Maganda

Mafe (Interview 1)

“Por ella empecé a amar y a ver el piano como un compañero, que siempre estaba ahí presente para sostener mis emociones con sus teclas y darme consuelo con su sonido.” – Juliana Puerta Hoyos

Our JUNT@S Members

Zenyram koff maganda

Juliana puerta hoyos

Anjali Serrano

Claudia Puerta SilvA

Sandra Häbel

follow us on Instagram @juntos_riscrise